Martha's Blog

being gentle with yourself

I just read something written by poet Lauren Davis about her new book “The Missing Ones” that really struck home during this difficult time. She wrote:

I’ve learned that when I feel stuck creatively, I need to do something new. A couple of years ago, when winter hit, I couldn’t write a single line of poetry, so I began to experiment with fiction. At other times, I’ve played with form. This time, I stepped into someone else’s story. And I am grateful Blanch allowed me that opportunity. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t struggled during this time. Thankfully, we can show up for our writing in so many ways—reading, supporting other writers, submitting our work, making mental room for the muse. It doesn’t always have to be pen to paper. Sometimes we just have to sit still and listen.

And I say “YES!” to all this. The creative flame doesn’t die, it just sometimes has to be encouraged. That is why making collages was so effective for me. It was doing something new, expressing myself differently. And now I see that there are so many ways to be, but the most important thing is to be gentle with yourself. We are all feeling so many things, and sometimes that can overwhelm us with emotions. And I believe that artists in particular are more sensitive to difficulties than some. But we don’t always have to power through them. We can read, support other artists by visiting their shows (real or virtual), submitting our work to new opportunities, and making mental room for the muse by going for walks, or just sitting still and listening.

Let’s be gentle with ourselves. We are not done, just resting.

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